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Excavation Support Wall

Raito excavating soil so support walls

We offer our Soil Mixing Wall (RSW) for excavation support walls. RSW uses multiple augers and paddle shafts rotating in alternating directions to mix in-situ soil with cement grout, bentonite slurry, clay slurry, or other stabilizing reagent slurries to install continuous subsurface soil-cement walls for excavation support and groundwater or underground pollutants control, or ground reinforcement; column blocks, lattice, or areal patterns for stabilization. Excavation support systems are temporary earth retaining structures that allow the sides of the excavation to be cut vertically or near vertically. The cut is done to maximize the size of the excavation when the price of real estate is high or property lines, utilities, or existing structures limit space.

Raito has tremendous experience in excavation support systems, including permanent and temporary excavation support walls, and has constructed numerous projects for buildings, transportation facilities, and other civil works projects. Excavation support systems minimize the excavation area, keep the sides of deep excavations stable, and ensure that movements will not damage neighboring structures or utilities in the surrounding ground.

RSW walls constructed with exhaustive steel reinforcement (usually wide flange H-beams or sheet piles) and other reinforcement supports, such as tiebacks, are very stiff and offer a cost-effective alternative to slurry and secant pile walls. Steel H-piles or other reinforcement members are installed inside the soil-cement wall to resist the lateral forces. The reinforced soil mix wall becomes a structural wall for excavation support and groundwater control.

Uber Jobsite using H-Pile reinforcement

Steel reinforcement is installed in every other RSW column before the soil cement hardens, and the accessible face of each column is trimmed off once the excavation is complete. The wall system is supported with at least one level of struts, anchors, and walers for horizontal support. Multiple levels of support are expected for RSW excavation systems. The reinforced soil mixing wall becomes a structural wall for excavation support and groundwater control.


Soil Mixing Wall

Learn more about Public Safety Building SF

Project Example:

Public Safety Building

A new Public Safety Building is a significant component of the City and County of San Francisco’s Justice Facilities. The state-of-the-art building houses the San Francisco Police Department Police Command Center, the Southern District Police Station, and a neighborhood San Francisco Fire Department Fire Station. RSW was installed for the excavation support wall of the basement.

(click image to learn more)

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