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The Martin - 2051 Third Street

Around 24,000 cubic yards of soil on the site was to be excavated and removed. The excavation depth varied from about 21 feet below ground surface (bgs) on the western side of the property to approximately 13 feet bgs on the eastern side. The initial geotechnical analysis for the project suggested using a drilled pier or driven pile foundation. However, our geotechnical engineer clarified that the foundation would likely consist of drilled, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete piers. The geotechnical engineer's proposal indicates that pile driving will not be necessary for the project, and the foundation will likely consist of drilled, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete piers approximately 40 feet long. Therefore, although soil removal would reach a maximum depth of about 21 feet bgs, the maximum site disturbance (through drilling) would be around 40 feet bgs.

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